Erotica and MABP
Erotica and MABP

On the theme Erotica: Maastricht Antiquarian Book and Print Fair 2019

In March 2019, the Maastricht Antiquarian Book and Print Fair (MABP) focused on the theme Erotica. In collaboration with the Regional Historic Center Limburg, Center Céramique and the University Library an exhibition was organized in the Sint Jans Church. Three students did an internship: Yasmin Geradts, Maxime Hallatu and Nabilah Noordin explored special collections in these institutions. Yasmin Geradts researched the, nowadays, not well known books on sexual education from the Beyart Brothers. Maxime Hallatu focused on Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde (1873-1937), a gynecologist, who  made history with his popular and often piquant sexual advise for married couples.

Nabila Noordin researched Japanese, erotic woodblock prints or Ukiyo-e between the 17th and 20th century from Center Céramique. On these prints, beautiful women expose body parts, in such a ‘risky’ manner that would be considered taboo in the West. After completing their internships, the students received a certificate undersigned by all involved parties: Center Céramique, Regional Historic Center Limburg, University Library, and the Art and Heritage Committee.


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